
Long ClawsonChurch of England Primary SchoolWhatever you do, work at it with all your heart


Welcome toLong ClawsonChurch of England Primary School "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart"Colossians 3:23

Goodbye Year 6!

As we say goodbye to our Year 6s, we would like to wish them all the very best.  The children's words at our Leavers' Service truly captured their reflections about their time spent with us at Long Clawson CofE Primary School.'  In their words:

'Our school has been a really special place to learn.  It is not just about the fantastic work and school visits, it is about the tremendous care we are shown and how we are always, always encouraged to think about and care for others.  For the last seven years, we have been lucky to be part of one big family.  Our time at Long Clawson has taught us many things .... Most of all it has given us self-confidence and a belief that with hard work and determination, anything is possible.'
