Welcome to our Governors’ section.
Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.
The Governing Body is the schools 'accountable body'. It is responsible for the conduct of the school and for promoting high standards. The Governing Body aims to ensure that children are attending a successful school which provides them with a good education and supports their well being. The Governors have meetings regularly through the year and sub-committees meet to deal with specific areas. The Governing Body is also responsible for school policies e.g., health and safety, admissions, special educational needs and performance management.
Any of the Governors may be contacted via school.
Name | Role | Category | Appointedby | Committees & Governor Responsibilities | Term |
Mrs Carole Brown | Chair
| LA Governor | Local Authority | Curriculum, Finance, Personnel & Pay and SEN. Governor Training, Science. | 15/12/2020 - 14/12/2024 |
Mrs Sarah Hatherley | n/a | Co-opted | Governing Body | Safeguarding/Anti-Bullying, Standards and Curriculum Development, English. | 2/11/2023 - 1/11/2027 |
Mrs Jane Dawda | n/a | Head Teacher/ Ex Officio | Governing Body | Health & Safety, Finance, Personnel, Pay and Standards and Curriculum Development, Safeguarding (DSL) | ex officio started 22/8/2017 |
n/a | Staff Governor | Governing Body | Standards and Curriculum Development, Health and Safety, Safeguarding. (DDSL) | 10/01/2024 - 9/01/2028 | |
Rev Simon Shouler | Vice Chair | Foundation Governor | John Garton Charity | Finance and Personnel, Religious Education and Collective Worship. Chair of Finance. | ex officio 01/10/20 - 30/09/2024 |
Carl Saunders | n/a | Parent Governor | Governing Body | Health and Safety. PE/Sports Funding | 7/12/2023 - 6/12/2027 |
Martyn Stokes | n/a | Foundation Governor | John Garton Charity | Religious Education and Collective Worship. | 27/01/21 - 26/01/2025 |
Luke Goddard | n/a | Co-opted | Governing Body | Finance, Personnel and Pay, Maths. | 18/3/21 - 17/3/25 |
Matthew Hefferan | n/a | Parent Governor | Governing Body | History/Curriculum. | 22/01/24 - 21/01/28 |
Haiza Yunos | n/a | Parent Governor | Governing Body | 22/01/24 - 21/01/28 |
Attendance 2022-2023 | Governing Board | Finance and Personnel | Standards and Curriculum |
Carole Brown | 100 | 100 | 100 |
Jane Dawda | 100 | 100 | 100 |
Sarah Hatherley | 60 | N/A | 100 |
Robert Jones | 80 | N/A | 67 |
Debbie Kay | 100 | N/A | 100 |
Simon Shouler | 40 | 67 | N/A |
Martyn Stokes | 60 | N/a | N/A |
Luke Goddard | 100 | 100 | N/A |
Full Governor Meetings:
Name | 06.10.21 | 17.01.22 | 10.03.22 | 30.06.22 Extra | 04.06.22 | % Attendance |
Darren Smith | Yes | Yes | Yes | xxxxxxxxx | xxxxxxxxx | 100% |
Carole Brown (Chair) | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | 80% |
Jane Dawda | Yes | Yes | Yes | n/a | Yes | 100% |
Sarah Hatherley | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | 60% |
Robert Jones | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | 100% |
Debbie Kay | Yes | Yes | Yes | n/a | Yes | 80% |
Simon Shouler (Vice Chair) | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | 80% |
Martyn Stokes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | 100% |
Luke Goddard | Yes | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | 80% |
Standards & Curriculum Development Meetings:
Name | 08.11.21 | 21.06.22 | % Attendance |
Sarah Hatherley (Chair) | Yes | Yes | 100% |
Carole Brown | Yes | Yes | 100% |
Robert Jones | No | Yes | 50% |
Jane Dawda | Yes | Yes | 100% |
Debbie Kay | Yes | Yes | 100% |
Finance, Personnel & Pay:
Name | 11.10.21 | 13.12.21 | 21.03.22 | 17.05.22 | % Attendance |
Simon Shouler (Chair) | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | 100% |
Darren Smith | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | 75% |
Carole Brown | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | 75% |
Luke Goddard | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | 100% |
Jane Dawda | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | 100% |
Register of Pecuniary Interests
Governors must declare if they have an interest in any external organisation which might impact upon the school or their dealings with the school. Currently our Governors have no declared interests.
John Garton and his brother Robert were awarded a large amount of land in Long Clawson at the Enclosure in 1780. John Garton also owned the Old Manor House. In 1793 he gave money and land on trust to the Vicar and Churchwardens to provide free education for the children of the parish, and in due course the present school buildings, started in 1840, and a house for the teacher. Before then the children were schooled in the vestry at the Church, by then very dilapidated. The Charity owns the current school sites and buildings. The money from the sale of the house was used to buy the Garton Hall for school in 2011.
Robert died in 1792, and John in 1794 and they lie together below the chancel floor, just outside the vestry door of the Church.