....are the parents, teachers and friends of the school who are working together to fund extra services or equipment that enhance the educational experience and attainment of our children.
We have an annual schedule of activities which we run to raise funds / support the school and we meet once a term to agree our funding priorities and decide on the events most likely to help us reach our targets.
All parents are automatically members of our association and are encouraged to join us at our informal meetings to propose ideas or help us to organise our scheduled events. To find more details about what we have planned, click on the events tab on the left.
Please support us by participating, volunteering (time or skills) or suggesting new ideas - email the office at office@longclawson.leics.sch.uk
The aim of the FoLCS (PTA) is to support the educational attainment of pupils at the school. We do this by raising funds to buy equipment or services which enhance the educational experience or attainment of the children.
We succeed in our goals only through the time, contributions and ideas of parents, staff and friends of the school. We always need volunteers. Please get in touch if you are able to support any event or have an idea you'd like us to try out. Contact us at friendsoflongclawsonschool@hotmail.co.uk.